We specialize in administering mechanical rights, performance rights, synchronization licenses, and digital distribution rights globally
Leveraging AI-driven music usage tracking tools to monitor streams & provide real-time royalty dashboards for artists and rights holders to access data anytime
Our vast network of international music collection societies ensures global coverage for your works. Navigate complex local copyright laws with ease to maximize music licensing revenues in every region.
We support independent Music labels, music publishers, and songwriters with tailored solutions to protect and monetize their creative works. Transparent royalty distribution and affordable fee structures foster trust and collaboration.
Ensure you receive every penny you’re owed with our aggressive copyright infringement tracking and royalty collection processes. Recover missed earnings with our expertise in backdated royalty claims and safeguard your intellectual properties across all platforms.
Collaborate with major industry players to establish fair music licensing standards and grow your reach. Actively participate in music copyright advocacy to protect creators' rights and enhance revenue opportunities.
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